At 15 months old, darling daughter is much more fluent in Bahasa Indonesia than her own mother tougue. Hubby and I speak to her mostly in English mix with some Cantonese while my mom who care for her daily speaks only in Cantonese to her. Of course my Indon maid speaks only Indon to her.
So in term of amount of time she spend the most with; ranking 1st jointly would be my maid and mom, 2nd is myself and 3rd is hubby. I guess the Indon language is somehow easier to grasp in young children then other languages and dialects...
She says:
- Pakcik
- Kakak
- Baju
- Minyak
- Dua, Tiga (Satu not yet)
- Pokok
- Sudah
- Baca
- Topi
hallo.. next word to learn is 'ChristinE jie jie'!..muahahha
she knows jie jie already; have to teach Christine only =o)
Hahaha, my daughter's first word is 'Ah mau', stands for "tak mau'. :p
suzette: that's so cute! my daughter calls my maid by name way before she calls me!
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