It is such a fascinating experience looking at my little girl grow and learn. I was amazed and surprised for so many times at some words or phrases she has said.
Here are just some for the record:
When: She @ 1.5 yo Where: In the MRT train in Hong Kong
Said: No need to be afraid. Daddy mommy are here (in cantonese)
When: She @ 1.5 yo Where: Hong Kong Disneyland
Said: I am not afraid of Mickey
When: She @ 2 yo Where: In the zoo
Said: There's no penguin, only penguin sign
Said: We were supposed to see penguins, but penguins has gone home
Said: The deer have bom-bom (bath) already. There is no water (in the pond)
When: She @ 2.5 yo Where: In our room
Said: Mommy, why don't you talk? Why are you sick? What is the matter? Mommy, everything will be alright!
Said: Mommy are you feeling better today? Now you will feel better (after sweeping my back). Mommy, say thank you sweety!
Said: Mommy, is you back still painful? I shall 'dhum' (massage) your back then.
Said: Don't want kakak (to come in). Kakak don't disturb (her playing). Then she translated to: Take mahu kakak, kakak jangan kacau.
When: She @ 2.5 yo Where: In the kitchen
Said: Kakak bukan itu la, itu chocolate (milk) punya saya
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